Davis Video Services
Video Digital Conversions
You can contact us directly by calling or texting to 530 902 2632
Video Digital Conversions
You can contact us directly by calling or texting to 530 902 2632
We do media conversions to digital. VHS, VHS-C, Hi 8, DV, 8 mm, slides, negatives, cd, record, cassette, reel to reel. to digital.
Our hours are Monday - Friday 9am to 8pm
Saturday - Sunday 9 am - 7 pm
We are not always at shop best to make appointment
By Appointment call or text 530 902 2632
or email to davisvideoservices@gmail.com
We are closed Thanksgiving day, Christmas day, New years day July 4.
We also run Computer Doctor for computer installs, networking, virus removal data recovery, and computer repair. for more info see.
VHS and VHS-C to DVD and or to Digital. DVD to digital, Super 8 Hi 8, and DV to Digital and DVD. Mini Dvd to digital. We work with NTSC Format. NTSC, cost is $10 per tape, per transfer to digital or DVD. If client wants both DVD and Digital cost is $13. Bulk discount price, over 25 tapes cost is $5 per tape. DVD can record 2 hours 27 minutes.
VHS or Super 8 Hi 8, Pal conversion is $15 per tape. Dvd and digital Pal. $18. Bulk discount over 25 tapes, $10 per tape, DVD $3 per tape if under 2 hours and 27 minutes.
8 MM or Super 8 MM, $15 per tape reel. Dvd and Digital would be $18 per tape, 16mm is $10 per tape. Digital and Dvd $13. Some 8mm/super 8 have sound, no additional cost for sound, sound may record depending on small magnetic strip attached to the super 8 film. 8mm having sound is rare. Sound on 8mm or super 8 tape does not always record, depending on the ability of equipment to pick up the sound strip.
Bulk discount is over 25 per tape for 8 MM, $10 per tape .
Betamax tape conversion is $15 per tape. Digital and DVD $18. Bulk discount is over 25 tapes $10 per tape .
Convert Records, 33, 45 and 78 to digital, Reel to Reel Audio, Cassette, and CD's to Audio Digital. Cost $10 per record, Reel, or Cassette, or CD, up to 25 then $5 per after 25 bulk discount.
Negative & Slide or photo, conversion to digital $1 per slide up to 100 bulk price $.50 per slide or negative.
prices do not include storage for your digital files, recommend clients provide flash drive or external drives.
DVD only is same price as digital, DVD on top of digital is $3 each that includes the media and paper case. DVD can only record 2 hours 27 minutes, so if a tape is longer would require additional DVD per tape at same price $3 each.
Bulk discount is after you reach 25 in any tape format. 1- 25 tapes at regular price, 26 tape and more at bulk discount price.
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